Monday, January 14, 2013

Nonsensical White House Petition Drive

So recently the White House started a website where you can start of join various petitions to the Obama Administration.  After 25,000 signatures then the White House is required to respond to the petition.  Sounds like a great way for the little guy to have meaningful interactions with the government, right ??? This seems like a great idea until you stop and consider just how stupid the general public is.  Notable petitions:

- Outlawing offending the prophets of major religions - 37,967 signatures (surely this would in no way violate the 1st Amendment)

- Make the Metric System standard in the United States - 30,225 signatures (didn't we put this one to bed already?)

- Eliminate armed guards for the President, Vice-President, and their families, and establish Gun Free Zones around them - 20,978 signatures (I see what you did there)

- Deport Piers Morgan - 16,721 signatures

- Don't Deport Piers Morgan - 9,724 signatures

- Instruct the U.S. Mint to create a $1 trillion platinum coin - 8,409 signatures

- A different "don't deport Piers Morgan" - 3,737 signatures

- Publicly admit and disclose all information about extra-terrestrial beings, our true history, and peaceful technologies. - 1,392 signatures

- Develop and issue a stamp or series of stamps that depict, promote, and normalize breastfeeding. -1,297 signatures

- and, of course, Order the U.S. military to build a Death Star - 34,445 signatures and actually got a "no" response from the administration today.

.... sigh.

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